
[2009/01/20] 한미단일탄약보급체계(SALS-K)의정서 (영문)


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Receipt, Storage, Transportation, Accountability, Inventory, Surveillance, Demilitarization, Maintenance, Security, and Issue of US owned
Conventional Ammunition in Republic of Korea Facilities:
The undersigned representatives of the Governments of the united States of America and Republic of Korea have agreed upon the following detailed arrangement relating to US Owned Ammunition Stocks presently in or whichmay be later moved into Republic of Korea facilities.

1. The basic responsibilities as ageed by the US and ROKG, for the performance of functions associated with US owned stocks, are attached as Appendix A and B. For the purpose of planning, the volume of work to be performed, based on 100,000 short ton stockage, is attached as Appendix C. Stockage levels may vary: therefore, Appendix C will be used as a basis for averaging performance and costs. The cost estimate, based upon Appendix C, is attached as Appendix D and will be reviewed annually for updating.

2. General Provisions:

a. Receipt, Stockage, and Transportation

(1) The Government of the Republic of Korea agrees to provide ammunition storage facilities for the storage of US ammunition stocks without sharge.

(2) The Government of Republic of Korea agrees to provide adequate storage facilities for 95% of the stocks stored and position only those items in outside storage which are authorized in accordance with TM 9-1300-206 (see AR 740-1).

(3) The Government of the Republic of Korea agrees to insure that US safety requirements for ammunition storage are met.

(4) The Government of the Republic of Korea agrees to provide security for the ammunition stocks.

(5) The Government of the Republic of Korea agrees to receive, store, and transport US owned ammunition stocks in compliance with US Army standards.

(6) The Government of the Republic of Korea agrees that US owned stocks will not be moved from one location to another without prior approval from the US accountable officer except as may be otherwise provided by joint US
and ROK emergency plane.

(7) The Government of the Republic of Korea agrees that the United States Government may remove US owned ammunition from ROK storage facilities and from Korea and have access to the stored stocks without encumbrance. If ammunition stocks are removed from ROK storage for the benefit of any user other than the ROK Government, the US Government will reimburse the Government of the Republic of Korea for direct maintenance, storage, and transportation costs incurred as well as the costs incurred in the receipt of replacement stocks. Storage and maintenance costs will be computed in accordance with paragraph 1 above.

(8) The Government of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America agree to perform the receipt, storage, and transportation functions outlined in Appendix A. The obligations to perform or pay for performance is to be expeditiously discharged.

(9) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that the United States of America will furnish all supplies for the performance of receipt, storage, and transportation of US owned stocks. The supplies so furnished will be accounted for in the same manner as the ammunition stocks.

(10) The Government of the United States of America agrees distribute the appropriate the appropriate type and quantity of incoming US owned ammunition to proper depot locations in the Republic of Korea to support the tactical requirement

b. Accountability and Inventory

(1) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that accountability and inventory of US owned stocks are primarily a US responsibility. However, it is further agreed that the Republic of Korea agree that accountability and inventory system for US owned stocks placed in Republic of Korea facilities and accept full responsibility for stocks so stored.

(2) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that joint US/ROK inventories will be performed on a regular basis on stocks and accountable records adjusted in accordance with US regulations.

(3) In the event inventory discrepancies occur between Republic of Korea and US records, a reconciliation of records or joint inventory will be conducted as necessary.

c. Surveillance.

(1) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that the serviceability of US owned stocks will be determined by US or US direct hire personnel and in accordance with US regulations.

(2) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that the support functions outlined in Appendix A will be expeditiously performed according to US procedures and schedules.

(3) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that the The Governments of the United States of America will furnish all supplies and equipment for the performance of surveillance.

(4) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that the Government of the Republic of Korea shall furnish upon request for US use, in surveillance and function testing, those range facilities turned over to ROKA under SALS-K.

d. Maintenance and Demilitarization.

(1) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that the performance of maintenance and demilitarization of US owned stocks stored in Republic of Korea facilities will be accomplished by the Republic of Korea according to US procedures and regulations. The Republic of Korea will be paid a fair price for such performance by the US Government.

(2) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree that the The Governments of the United States of America will furnish all supplies and equipment for the performance of ammunition maintenance. Supplies so furnished are to be used on the US owned ammunition as programed or be reported to the US inventory control point for disposition.

e. General: The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea agree to jointly develop specific and detailed standing operating procedures for accomplishing the functions under each of the numbered paragraphs contained in Appendix A. These procedures will be in compliance with US regulations.


General, USA Minister of National Defence
Commander, United States forces Republic of Korea

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