
[2011/06/08] 강정마을 주민을 지지하는 국제성명(영문본 포함)과 서명한 111개 단체 리스트


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강정마을 주민을 지지하는 국제성명
우리, 하기 서명단체들은 해군기지 건설을 중단하기 위해 투쟁하고 있는 한국의 제주 강정마을 주민들과 완전한 연대 정신으로 함께 한다.
우리는 이미 해군기지 건설 시도가 강정마을의 어업과 농업에 의존해온 자연스러운 생활양식을 파괴하기 시작했다는 것을 알 고 있다. 해군기지 건설 과정은 치유 불가능할 정도로 연산호, 어류, 바위, 식물, 바다, 그리고 다양한 종류의 생명체에게 해로운 영향을 주게 될 것이다.
강정마을 지지자들이 미국 워싱턴 DC 한국 대사관에 항의 전화를 했을 때, 그들은 “미국 정부에게 전화하라. 그들은 우리에게 해군기지 건설을 압박하고 있다”는 말을 들어왔다.
미국이 아시아-태평양 지역에 군사력을 확장함에 따라 미국의 해군력을 위해 더 많은 항구가 필요하다는 것은 분명하다. 중국은 제주도를 따라 서해를 통해 약 80%의 원유를 수송하고 있다. 제주해군기지는 미국 해군에게 더 강력한 접근성을 제공하고 이에 따라 잠재적으로 이러한 해양수송로를 장악하게 만들 것이다.
제주 도민들은 평화의 섬을 원한다. 미국 함정을 위한 해군기지의 건설은 오로지 제주도를 타격목표와 군사충돌지역으로 만들고 말 것이다.
우리는 강정마을에 짓고 있는 해군기지 건설을 중단할 것과 그 마을을 자연스러운 상태로 담겨둘 것을 요구하는 바이다.
We, the undersigned organizations, stand in complete solidarity with the Gangjeong villagers on Jeju Island, South Korea in their struggle to stop the construction of a Navy base.
As we can already see, the Navy base construction effort has begun the destruction of this fishing and farming community’s natural way of life.  This construction process will irreparably harm the soft coral reefs, the fish, the rocks, the vegetation, the water, and other life forms.  
When Gangjeong supporters have called the South Korean embassy in Washington DC they have been repeatedly told, “Call the U.S. government.  They are pushing us to build this Navy base.”
It is evident that as the U.S. expands its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region it needs more ports of call for its naval arsenal. China transports 80 percent of its oil on ships that pass through the Yellow Sea alongside Jeju Island. A base on Jeju Island would give the U.S. Navy greater access, and thus, potential control, of those shipping lanes.
The people of Jeju Island wish to be an island of peace. The building of a Navy base for U.S. warships will only make Jeju Island a target and a zone of conflict.  
We demand that construction of the Navy base at Gangjeong be halted and the village be left to its natural state.
endorsed by
       Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Maine, U.S.
       Nebraskans for Peace, Nebraska, U.S.
       Citizens for Peace in Space, Colorado, U.S.
       American Friends Service Committee-Maine, U.S.
       Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, London, United Kingdom
       Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Leeds, England
       Swedish Peace Council, Stockholm, Sweden
       Stop the War Machine, New Mexico, U.S.
       Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
       Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks, Maine, U.S.
       The Taos Group, New Mexico, U.S.
       SS. Francis & Therese Catholic Worker of Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S.
       Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York City, U.S.
       Peace Action Maine, U.S.
       Maine Green Independent Party, U.S.
       Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, Ontario, Canada
       CodePink Maine, U.S.
       Atsushi Fujioka, Professor of Economics at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
       Peace Not War, Tokyo, Japan
       Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
       Lynda Williams, Physics Teacher, California, U.S.
       Makiko Sato, Global Network board member, Oita, Japan
       Granny Peace Brigade, New York City, U.S.
       CodePink National, U.S.
       OMNI Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology, Arkansas, U.S.
       Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, International, Geneva, Switzerland
       AFSC Peace & Economic Security Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
       WarIsACrime.org, U.S.
       Bouny Andre, president of the International Committee of Support for Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange, Saint-Jean-Lespinasse, France
       Los Alamos Study Group, New Mexico, U.S.
       Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, California, U.S.
       Radio Free Maine, U.S.
       Guadalupe Catholic Worker, California, U.S.
       Nashville Greenlands, Tennessee, US
       Brandywine Peace Community, Pennsylvania, U.S.
       Nuclear Resister newsletter, Arizona, U.S.
       Military Space Transparency Project, Massachusetts, U.S.
       Oxford Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Oxford, United Kingdom
       Oxfordshire Peace Campaign, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
       Maine Veterans for Peace (Chapter 001), U.S.
       South Dakota Peace and Justice Center, U.S.
       Woodstock Peace Economy, New York, U.S.
       Darmstädter Friedensforum, Germany
       Greater Manchester & District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, England
       Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group, England
       Veterans For Peace, Chapter 9, Smedley Butler Brigade, Massachusetts, U.S.
       CamPeace, Cambridge, England
       Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver, Canada
       Seal Beach Senior Patriots Against the War, Seal Beach, California, U.S.
       Australian Peace Committee, Australia
       Network for Okinawa (closethebase.org)
       ACT for the Earth, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
       Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Berkeley Branch, California, U.S.
       Holly Gwinn Graham, GN Board member, Olympia, Washington, U.S.
       Campaign for Peace and Democracy, New York City, U.S.
       Maine Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S.
       John Rensenbrink, president of Green Horizon Foundation, Maine, U.S.
       Western States Legal Foundation, California, U.S.
       NO to Nukes and Missile Defense Campaign, Tokyo, Japan
       Gray Panthers of Greater Albuquerque, New Mexico, U. S.
       Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Aberystwyth, Cymru
       Physicians for Social Responsibility, Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.
       Peace Action, Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.
       Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, assistant professor of English and director of American Racial and Multicultural Studies at St. Olaf College, Minnesota, U.S.
       Blooming Lilac Sangha, New York, U.S.
       Midcoast Peace & Justice Group, Maine, U.S.
       LEPOCO Peace Center, Pennsylvania, U.S.
       Tom Neilson Music, Greenfield, Massachusetts, U.S.  
       Kaua`i Alliance for Peace and Social Justice, Hawai`I
       Alaskans for Peace and Justice, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.
       Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action, Kurtistown, Hawai’I, U.S.
       Stop the War Coalition, Manila, Philippines   
       Citizens Peace Watch, Manila, Philippines
       Kickapoo Peace Circle of Viroqua, Wisconsin, U.S.
       Green Party Peace Network, U.S.
       Canadian Branch of the Registry of World Citizens
       West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Birmingham, UK
       Union Pacifiste de France
       Green Party of the United States
       Fredericton Peace Coalition, New Brunswick, Canada
       Network of Oxford Women for Justice and Peace, England
       Orono Friends Meeting, Maine, U.S.
       Merrimack Valley People for Peace, Massachusetts, U.S.
       Green Party of Florida, U.S.
       Manchester Central CND, England
       Kalamazoo Non-violent Opponents to War, Michigan, U.S.
       Foreign Bases Project, New York, U.S.
       Trident Ploughshares, UK
       Pax Christi Metro New York, U.S.
       Veterans For Peace-Korea Peace Campaign, U.S.
       Pax Christi Long Island, New York, U.S.
       Peace Action New York State, U.S.
       Social Justice & Peace Commission of Sacred Heart/St. Dominic Catholic Church, Portland, Maine, U.S.
       Church Women United of New York State, U.S.
       Pax Christi Maine, U.S.
       Pax Christi Elmira, Elmira NY, USA
       Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center (AJWRC), Japan

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