
[2005/4/27-5/12] SPARK sent 4 delegates to the 7th NPT Review Conference


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SPARK took part in the 7th Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT) Review Conference.


SPARK sent 4 delegates to the 7th NPT Review Conference at UN headquarters from 27 Apr. to 12 May. Together with other global peace organizations, SPARK took part in this RevCon in order to urge the Nuclear Weapon States, especially the US, to abolish their nuclear weapons in accordance with the 2000 RevCon's resolutions. In addition, SPARK held its own workshops in a UN conference room on May 10 and 12 to explain how America's hostile policy towards North Korea and expansion of US military bases in South Korea threaten peace on the Korean peninsula.

SPARK delegates marching in Manhattan with Korean-American peace activists on May 1, chanting, "No Nukes! No War on North Korea! Bring the troops home!"

Greetings from South Korea : SPARK delegates introduce themselves to international peace activists at May 1 rally in Central Park.

Rim Jong-chol, SPARK co-chairperson, giving his speech at May 1 rally, asserting, "We are opposed to the US' hostile policy toward North Korea. No War on Iran, No War on Korea!"

SPARK hold a workshop, "Peace on the Korean peninsula and the US forces in Korea", in UN conference room E on May 10.

SPARK delegates demonstrate in Ralph Bunche Park located in front of the UN.

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