
[2006/9/1] Facing the forcible demolition of homes, the second anniversary of the candlelight vigils was commemorated.


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Facing the forcible demolition of homes, the second anniversary of the candlelight vigils was commemorated.

Two years ago, 1 September 2004 was the day when the Pyeongtaek residents began their candlelight vigils.
On that day, there was a public hearing concerning the expansion of the United States military base at Pyeongtaek, but the government didn’t listening to the residents’ voices. Instead, the police arrested the residents who opposed the base expansion.
The villagers were enraged by this and held a candlelight vigil in front of the Pyeongtaek police station to protest.
The 730 candlelight vigils held since then have become a symbol of the residents’ resistance. 
On 31 August 2006 residents came to Seoul, gathered in front of the Ministry of National defense, and held the 2nd anniversary ceremony.
The Ministry of National Defense announced that the empty houses will be demolished in September, and all the rest of the houses will be demolished before the end of the year.
Pyeongtaek’s defenders (peace activists) have entered the village’s empty houses and are living in them. 
The defenders said, “There are no empty houses in Daechuri and Doduri villages. People are living in all of them.”
The Ministry of National Defense thinks that if it demolishes the empty houses, the village will be abandoned and the residents will be more and more discouraged and the resistance will be weakened.
However, the villagers gathered in front of the Ministry of National Defense and shouted, “Stop demolishing houses”, “Stop the base expansion”, and “Release the residents’ spokesman from jail.” (Kim Ji-tae, the village leader)
The residents said that they will struggle to the end.

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