
[2006/9/25] SPARK delegation to visit Washington, New York


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News release : 
Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) 

Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) is a non-governmental organization working for friendly and cooperative relations between the Republic of Korea and the US and for peace on the Korean peninsula. 

On September 27-28, the 10th ROK-US Security Policy Initiative conference will be held in Washington DC. 
This SPI meeting is in fact a conference which will decide on the findings of a 3-phase study about the reorganization of the ROK-US alliance. The final decision will be made at the annual ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting (SCM), which opens on October 20. Therefore this SPI meeting will significantly transform the future of the ROK-US alliance and the Northeast Asia security situation, decisively changing the Koreans' future, affecting peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula, and influencing our national prosperity. 

The US is exploiting the current meeting of the UN General Assembly as a diplomatic opportunity to reinforce the economic sanctions imposed on North Korea. This runs counter to the joint statement of the six-party talks and frustrates our efforts to build a peace regime on the Korean peninsula. 

Therefore a SPARK delegation will visit Washington DC and New York from Sep. 26 to Sep. 30, and carry out activities urging immediate return of the military operational control authority (OPCON) to the ROK military authorities, invalidation of strategic flexibility for USFK, abrogation of the ROK-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty, suspension of the economic sanctions against North Korea, and conclusion of a peace treaty. 

Planned schedule: 
Sep. 26 : visit the office of Representative Jim Leach, chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, House International Relations Committee 
Sep. 27 : attend a hearing on the ROK-USA alliance of the House International Relations Committee and deliver a letter of protest 
Sep. 27~28 : deliver a letter of protest to the Department of State and the Department of Treasury and stage a one-person protest demonstration 
Sep. 29~30 : deliver a letter of protest to the UN headquarters and stage a demonstration 

Media contact : 
Park Seok-boon (cell phone) 016-429-4311, (Tel) 82-2-712-8443 (Fax) 82-2-712-8445 
E-mail :

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