
[2006/10/18-10/21] SPARK delegation visit to U.S. to respond to recent UN security council resolution on N. korea, and also to security consultative meeting of S. Korea and U.S. in Washington.


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1. Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1994 which works for friendly and cooperative relations between Korea and the United States, and the establishment of peace on the Korean peninsula.

2. The fundamental cause of the North Korean nuclear problem is the US’s hostile policy toward Pyeongyang.
Spark firmly believes that sanctions and pressure cannot make the North abandon its nuclear program.
Only a cessation of the hostile policy toward North Korea and the signing of a Korean peninsula peace treaty can persuade the Pyeongyang government to discontinue its nuclear program.

3. Accordingly, the UN Security Council resolution which imposes sanctions against North Korea, and the US-led Proliferation Security Initiative cannot solve the North Korean nuclear problem, and will only damage peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia.

4. Also, the agenda of the Security Consultative Meeting, to be held October 20-21, which includes the stationing of nuclear weapons around the Korean peninsula, South Korea’s participation in the missile defense system, and the strengthening of the Republic of Korea-US alliance, can only increase the danger of war on the Korean peninsula and the Northeast Asian region.

5. Consequently, a SPARK delegation is visiting Washington DC and New York, where they plan to hold meetings and demonstrations in order to bring the Korean people’s concerns to the attention of the American people and government.
The Korean people are opposed to sanctions against North Korea and urge the US to abandon its hostile policy toward Pyeongyang. They aim to de-nuclearize the Korean peninsula and create a nuclear-free zone in Northeast Asia. Koreans are against the strengthening of the ROK-US alliance and demand the return of wartime military operational control authority, as well as a halt to the expansion of the Pyeongtaek US base.

SPARK (Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea), Seoul, Korea 
(Tel): 82-2-711-7292, 82-2-712-8443 (Fax) 82-2-712-8445,

Yu Young Jae, Secretary-General (016-297-0568)
Park Seok Boon, Director, Peace and Disarmament Team (016-429-4311)

Opposition to 38th Security Consultative Meeting 
Demand for a peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear test issues

WHEN: Oct 18 (Wed.) to Oct. 21 (Sat.), 2006

WHO: Pyon Yeon-shik (Co-representative)
Yu Young-jae (Secretary-General)
Kim,Jong-il (Deputy Secretary-General)
Park Seok-boon (Director, Peace and Disarmament Team) 


Oct. 18 (Wed.) 
10: 30 AM: Meeting with a member of the ROK delegation to the UN, presentation of letter to UN Secretary-General (in the ROK delegation office, UN building, NYC)
2 PM: Rally: “Oppose Sanctions Against North Korea! Dialogue between the US and North Korea!”(NYC/Hammarskjöld Plaza in front of the UN bldg.) 
6 PM: Candlelight vigil (NYC/ Hammarskjöld Plaza in front of the UN)

Oct. 19 (Thu.) 
2 PM: Demonstration opposing the ROK-US Military Committee Meeting (planned) 
(Washington D.C / protest zone near Pentagon)
6 PM: Meeting w/ the ROK delegates to the 38th SCM (planned) (Washington D.C /Ritz Carlton Hotel) 

Oct 20 (Fri.)
07 AM to 4 PM: Demonstration, street-theater skit, opposing the 38th SCM 
(Washington D.C / protest zone near Pentagon)
6 PM: Candlelight vigil (in front of the White House) 

Oct 21 (Sat.) 
Rally against the announcement of the 38th SCM result, from 10 AM, in front of the White House (planned)

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