
[2007/7/28] call for the release of the Korean hostages in Afghanistan and the immediate withdrawal of the Korean troops


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Call for the release of the Korean hostages in Afghanistan and the immediate withdrawal of the Korean troops

△ On July 21, in front of the Blue House


1. 23 Korean civilians are being held in captivity since their abduction by the Taliban on the 19th of July. The Taliban has threatened to execute the hostages unless the Korean government agrees to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan and also makewith their demand to free 23 Taliban prisoners. We are deeply distressed by this incident and hope that the 23 civilians will return safely.


2. The practice of abducting and threatening to execute innocent civilians only induces a vicious cycle of violence. The Korean people are equally mourning for the countless war victims killed inAfghanistan and believe that there should be no additional victims of similar tragedies. We request a safe release of the hostages.


3. We condemn the Korean government for supporting the U.S. government's Global War on Terror and participating as part of the coalition. The Korean government did not inform its people of the underlying purpose and role of the dispatch nor of the actual situation in Afghanistan. We strongly urge the government to withdraw the troops immediately.


4. We clearly state that we understand this situation is part of the disaster caused by the U.S. government's Global War on Terror. The U.S. invasion following other foreign invasions and internal warfare has ravaged the land of Afghanistan and devastated the lives of the Afghans. The armed resistance of the Taliban against the U.S. occupation is escalating,

resulting in frequent abductions and terrorist attacks. The war and occupation in Afghanistan must come to an immediate end and the international community is obliged to strive to eradicate such ruthless violence.


5. Our wish is an end to the foreign occupation in Afghanistan and the restoration of peace by its own people. The Korean anti-war and peace movement has been exerting a collective effort for this purpose, and will continue to do so. We appeal to the international community for unreserved efforts and support for the safe release of the Korean nationals in captivity.


2007. 7. 25


The Korean Action against the Dispatch of Troops is a coalition of 351 peace and human rights NGOs working against the dispatch of Korean troops in Iraq

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