
[2007/8/8] We Welcome the Summit Meeting between North and South Korea


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We Welcome the Summit Meeting between North and South Korea

August 8th, 2007


        The government announced today that they will hold a summit meeting between North and South Korea during the dates of August 28th-30th in Pyong Yang, North Korea. We hope this coming summit meeting will help the relationship between the two countries, fortify the peace and the denuclearization and the accomplishment of a independent unification. For this reasons, we strongly support the coming summit meeting between the two Koreas. Following the 6th summit meeting which concluded with the 919 joint statement, we are really glad that a summit meeting between the North and South Korea is being held, specially now that discussions about the peace treaty in the Korean peninsula are in progress.

        We hope the two governments will conclude in a peaceful and epochal agreement. For this, the two governments should make a decision from an independent position about the main obstacles: The United States army in the Republic of Korea, and the alliance between South Korea and the United States. We support the withdrawal of the United States Army related to the denuclearization of North Korea, plus the accomplishment of peace between US and North Korea/South and North Korea and reduce armaments from both countries.

        We support the accomplishment of a unified identity of the two Koreas, a basic amendment between them and make progress in the process of the unification of North and South Korea during the summit meeting. On the other hand, we hope that through this summit meeting, the economy of North and South Korea will improve, making the economy of the nation towards the unification.

         The government should only concentrate on the profits for the Korean people, and focus on a peaceful structure in the Korean peninsula. On more issue they should concentrate on is the independent unification through this coming summit meeting.

        Finally, we hope President Roh holds the summit meeting without caring what the United States government opines, and immediately withdraw any aggression.

Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea

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