
[2007/12/28/] Members of South Korean anti-war groups hold a rally in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on Dec. 26 to oppose Japan's moves to implement a missile defense system.


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Members of South Korean anti-war group hold a rally in frone of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on Dec. 26 to oppose Japan's moves to implement a missile defence system.

2007-12-26, in frone of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul

Groups protest Japan's missile defense plan

Dec. 26, SEOUL, South Korea -- Members of South Korean anti-war groups hold a rally in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on Dec. 26 to oppose Japan's moves to implement a missile defense system. (Yonhap)

Groups protest Japan's missile defense plan

Dec. 26, SEOUL, South Korea -- Members of South Korean anti-war groups hold a rally in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on Dec. 26 to oppose Japan's moves to implement a missile defense system. (Yonhap)

AWC(Asia-Wide Campaign against U.S-Japanese domination & aggression of Asia) japan hold a press interview in Japan on Dec. 26 to oppose Japan's moves to implement a missile defense system.



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