
South[2009.12.7] Korean protesters shout slogans and hold banners during a rally against the U.S policy towards North Korea -


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South Korean protesters shout slogans and hold banners during a rally against the U.S policy towards North Korea

 연합뉴스 입력 2009.12.07 10:58

  epa01957248 South Korean protesters shout slogans and hold banners during a rally against the U.S policy towards North Korea near the Foreign Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, 07 December 2009. U.S. special envoy Stephen Bosworth arrived for two-day visit in Seoul en route to Pyongyang. He will be into Pyongyang on 08 Tuesday for a three day high-level talks. EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN < 뉴스의 새 시대, 연합뉴스 Live > < 연합뉴스폰 > < 포토 매거진 > < 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >


South Korean protesters shout slogans and hold banners during a rally against the U.S policy towards North Korea

연합뉴스 입력 2009.12.07 10:58

 epa01957249 South Korean protesters shout slogans and hold banners during a rally against the U.S policy towards North Korea near the Foreign Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, 07 December 2009. U.S. special envoy Stephen Bosworth arrived for two-day visit in Seoul en route to Pyongyang. He will be into Pyongyang on 08 Tuesday for a three day high-level talks. EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN < 뉴스의 새 시대, 연합뉴스 Live > < 연합뉴스폰 > < 포토 매거진 > < 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >

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