
[2011.6.2. hani] Peace on Jeju


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Peace on Jeju
Residents of Gangjeong Village in Jeju Island’s Seogwipo, the planned site for a naval base, and members of civic and peace organizations hold a culture festival on Gureombi Rock, a village landmark, with red sunset in the background, May 28.

A total of 44 organizations are supposed to inaugurate a national countermeasure committee to prevent the Ministry of National Defense from building the base. They, along with large numbers of local residents, have resolutely objected to the military base construction plan on the peace island of Jeju.

On January 27, 2005, the Roh Moo-hyun administration designated Jeju as the Island of World Peace, based on Article 12 of the Special Act for the Jeju Free International City.

(Photo by Kim Tae-hyoung)

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