
[2012.2.14] Statement on the South Korean government crackdown on SPARK - By ILPS EAO


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International League of Peoples’ Struggle East Asia and Oceania

For Reference: Ramon Bultron, co-convener (852) 2723-7536


ILPS EAO demand Lee Myung-bak administration:

Stop the crackdown on SPARK and progressive groups in South Korea!

Stop the construction of the US naval base in Jeju Island!

Statement of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle East Asia and Oceania

February 14, 2012


The International League of Peoples’ Struggle East Asia and Oceania, together with regional and national people’s organizations, groups, movements and unions, denounce the Lee Myung-bak administration for its ongoing crackdown of organizations like SPARK, or the Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea.

 On February 8 this year, the national office of SPARK and houses of some of its members were raided by elements of the National Intelligence Service (NIV) on the suspicion of violation of the National Security Law. Four members of SPARK, including its secretary general, were charged of the said violation.

 SPARK, a peace organization in South Korea working for the reunification of the Korean peninsula, has become a pain in the eye of the South Korean government not only for its continuous campaign to reunite the North and South Korea but also for its greater involvement in the campaign to stop the construction of the planned US naval base in Jeju Island.

 This rise in political repression being instigated by the South Korea government “speaks well” of its brute military-style response to the people’s outcry for the protection of their national sovereignty and patrimony and against foreign intervention.

 From brutal dispersals of peaceful protest actions to arrest of activists, peace advocates and even religious peoples, from intimidation and harassment of anti-naval base organizations to the actual arrest and crackdown on outspoken groups and leaders, President Lee Myung-bak and his cohorts have completely exhibited their disregard for human rights and dignity of their own people while remaining as loyal dogs to their US imperialist master.

 Already, we have heard that unjust arrests and detentions against villagers and activists in Gangjeoung, Jeju Island continue to this date.

 We call on various justice and peace-loving individuals and organizations in South Korea as well as in the greater international community to condemn this brutal government moves and demand the South Korean government to stop the crackdown and political repression.

 The Lee Myung-bak administration should heed the growing demand of the South Korean people to stop the construction of the US military naval base in Jeju Island and to immediately withdraw all US military forces present in the country.

 With that, all the more we need to demand that not only should US military forces in South Korea be pulled out but in all countries they are present in Asia Pacific.

 Let us strongly and constantly express our strong solidarity with the South Korean people who continue to fight not only for their own human rights but for the sovereignty, patrimony and dignity of their country.

 Stop political repression and crackdown of SPARK and activists in South Korea!

National sovereignty and patrimony for the people of South Korea!

US troops out of South Korea and Asia Pacific now!

Down with US imperialism!

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