
번호 제목 등록일 조회수
165 [2014. 4. 20] “Obama Not Welcome” (Part 2) – South Korea 2014-04-22 1499
164 [2014. 3. 22] The Onerous Burden of Hosting U.S. Troops 2014-04-22 1568
163 [2014. 3. 9] USFK – Hoarding tpf=board/list&board_code=11.5 Billion in South Korean Taxpayer Money 2014-04-22 1390
162 [2013. 11. 19] USFK earning millions in interest off defense funds, bank data show (by Hankyoreh newspaper 2013.11.19) 2013-11-20 1646
161 [2013. 8. 23] Letter to the U.S. Government relating to SMA Negotiations between ROK and the U.S. 첨부파일 2013-09-03 3625
160 [2013. 8. 21] Stop War Exercise, UFG 2013-08-23 1776
159 [2013. 4. 15] 3rd GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION ON MILITARY SPENDING – GDAMS 2013 2013-04-04 1488
158 [2013. 3. 4] Statement Opposing U.S.-South Korea Joint Military Exercises Key Resolve Foal Eagle "Stop War Games, Start Peace Talks" 2013-03-06 2599
157 ROCKET LAUNCH HYPOCRISY (2013.1.29 by BRUCE K. GAGNON) 2013-02-06 1589
156 Time to End the Korean War (By Dorothy Ogle, January 7, 2013) 2013-02-06 1677
155 Interview "2013: First year for Korean peace" By Christine Hong 2012-10-22 1782
154 [2012/5/2] The Military Impacts in Hawai'i should be a Warning to Koreans about the threat to Jeju island. : By Kyle Kajihiro 2012-09-20 2200
153 (2012.2.16) South Korea Cracks Down on Dissent By Christine Ahn 2012-09-20 1905
152 [2012.2.14] Statement on the South Korean government crackdown on SPARK - By ILPS EAO 2012-09-20 1407
151 [2012/2/15] S. Korean government raids activists' homes, offices Peace organizations targeted - By Yari Osorio 2012-09-20 1341


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