
번호 제목 등록일 조회수
30 [2005/11/17] press conference and rally to protest ROK-US summit 2012-09-20 1098
29 [2005/10/19] Protests against Rumsfeld's visit to Seoul and the 37th ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) 2012-09-20 1097
28 [2005/10/10] America overhauls its Asia-Pacific force 2012-09-20 1061
27 [2005/10/10] a press conference for denouncing OPLAN 5027 2012-09-20 1379
26 [2005/9/27] The 50th Peace/Disarmament Rally 2012-09-20 1079
25 [2005/9/13] The 72nd Anti-US Joint Monthly Rally 2012-09-20 1128
24 [2005/9/6] USFK won't turn over control of truck driver case to South Korea 2012-09-20 1166
23 [2005/8/29] One-person demonstrations and the 49th peace/disarmament rally 2012-09-20 1095
22 [2005/8/29] Yield the right of jurisdiction in the Kim Myong-ja case! 2012-09-20 1107
21 [2005/8/29] US Banks on Technology in Revised Military Plan for a Possible North Korea Conflict 2012-09-20 1113
20 [2005/8/15] 'Peace Park' in Maehyangni 2012-09-20 1090
19 [2005/8/16] The 71st Anti-US Joint Monthly Rally 2012-09-20 1104
18 [2005/7/28] The 48th Peace/Disarmament Rally and a Meeting with the Deputy Minister 2012-09-20 1113
17 [2005/7/12] The 70th anti-US joint monthly rally 2012-09-20 1123
16 [2005/7/10] July 10 Peace March 2012-09-20 1105
  1. 26
  2. 27


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