
[Speech] 2022 NPT review conference NGO presentation


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Is the Biden Administration serious about the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?

If so, we demand that the US abandon its hostile policies against North Korea.


We are outraged by the Biden administration’s contradictory position. The US’s military coercion policy obstructs the path to denuclearizing the Korea Peninsula. And Washington's double standards has disabled the NPT system.


The Biden administration’s coercive military policy against North Korea is hindering the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


The Biden administration has consistently pursued hostile policies against North Korea. These policies reveal Biden administration's intention to achieve denuclearization of the Korean peninsula by forcing North Korea to surrender rather than through dialogue and negotiation. But, let us remind ourselves that the sole motive for North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons is to obtain security guarantees from the United States. Washington’s hostile policies will only further motivate North Korea to continue its development and possession of nuclear weapons and undermine the possibility for denuclearization of Korean Peninsula.


Nevertheless, the Biden administration has continued to intensify its coercive policies against North Korea. Not only has the Biden administration resumed the US-ROK combined military exercises, which the Trump administration had suspended, but it is also significantly increasing the frequency, scale, and intensity of the military exercises. The US also established a new operational plan, which includes an illegal pre-emptive attack on North Korea, and is selling ultra-offensive weapons to South Korea, such as the F-35 stealth bombers. These only intensify military confrontation and crisis in the Korean Peninsula. The Biden administration must immediately stop its military coercion policy against North Korea!


Moreover, the Biden administration is strengthening military coercion and blockade against North Korea through NATO's expansion into the Asia-Pacific region and strengthening the alliance between South Korea, the U.S., and Japan.


NATO's expansion into the Asia-Pacific region and the solidification of Korea-US-Japan alliance led by the Biden administration, intensify military confrontation with North Korea and China. In response, the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia are turning into the most acute area of the new Cold War confrontation. The escalating crisis in Taiwan strait caused by House Speaker Pelosi's recent visits to Taiwan directly indicates the precarious reality of a new Cold War. Under such military confrontation in northeast asia, denuclearization of the Korean peninsula will lose its momentum and will be dismissed. The Biden Administration must immediately stop NATO's expansion into the Asia-Pacific region and stop fostering a crisis in Northeast Asia!


Meanwhile, the Biden administration's formation of the AUKUS and the transfer of nuclear-powered submarine technology to Australia are hindering the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The US transfer of nuclear submarine technology to Australia is a double standard that disables the NPT and is incompatible with the demand for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


Despite the failure of the North Korea-US talks in Hanoi, North Korea's stance on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula remains unchanged. North Korea has abandoned the ICBM test moratorium and is suspected of conducting a seventh nuclear test, but even if North Korea were to carry out its seventh nuclear test and as a result increases its nuclear power and strengthens its nuclear confrontation with the US it will not change its earlier stance to realize denuclearization through dialogue and negotiations.


If the U.S. truly wants to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, it should either lift sanctions on North Korea in part or stop the resumed the US-ROK combined military exercises. Provide security guarantees to North Korea following the 2018 Singapore Joint Statement! That way, the U.S. could start dialogue and negotiations with North Korea. This is the only viable way to denuclearize the Korean peninsula. We demand the Biden administration to take a sincere step.

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