
[2005/9/13] The 72nd Anti-US Joint Monthly Rally


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No US Military Land Grab at Pyongtaek! 
Abolish US' Hostile Policy toward N. Korea!
Build Up a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula!

The 72nd Anti-US Joint Monthly Rally

Despite the very heavy rain, the 72nd anti-US joint monthly rally was held at the park near the US embassy at 2 pm on Sep. 13.  This rally was called to denounce the US military land grab at Pyongtaek, and to urge the US government to abolish its hostile policy toward N. Korea. This was the day when the 4th round of the six-party talks resumed.

Rev. Hong Keun-soo, executive chairman of SPARK, asserted in his opening address that the six-party talks had been delayed because of the US' hostile policy toward N. Korea. 
Kim Ji-tae, chairman of the Paengsong Committee against US Bases Enlargement at Pyongtaek said, "The Defense Ministry has announced that it will take away the farmers' land against the will of the local residents. Nonetheless the farmers are determined never to give up the land."

Father Moon Jong-hyon, executive chairman of the Pan-National Committee against US Bases Enlargement at Pyongtaek, reported on his trip to Europe, "Every peace activist that I met in Europe promised to support this struggle." In addition, he encouraged the participants to keep up their morale, reminding them that although the local residents are exhausted by their long struggle, more and more people are joining their movement.


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