
[2005/10/19] Protests against Rumsfeld's visit to Seoul and the 37th ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting (SCM)


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Protests against Rumsfeld's visit to Seoul and the 37th ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting (SCM)

As announced at the Oct. 10th press conference, SPARK organized various activities from Oct. 19 to 21 in order to demand that ROK and US authorities totally abolish the aggressive OPLANs for preemptive attacks on N. Korea and return the operational control authority to the ROK.

On Oct. 19 at the Press Center building, 33 NGOs co-hold a press conference to present an open letter to Yun Gwang-ung, Korean Defense Minister, on the occasion of the 37th SCM. SPARK and other NGOs urge the Defense Minister to "abolish the aggressive OPLANs for preemptive attacks on N. Korea", "immediately and completely restore the operational control authority", and "cancel the strategic flexibility of the USFK and the enlargement of the US bases at Pyongtaek".

As Rumsfeld arrives in Seoul to take part in the SCM on Oct. 20, SPARK holds one-person demonstrations at the Yongsan US base and Shilla Hotel to protest against his visit to Seoul. However, the Korean police repress the one-person demonstrations by surrounding the protesters at the gates of the Yongsan base and the hotel.

Despite the heavy rain, SPARK stages a sit-down demonstration in front of the Defense building, where ROK and US defense authorities hold the 37th SCM on Oct. 21.

SPARK holds a rally at the building of the Foreign Affairs Ministry when Rumsfeld comes to the building to meet with the Minister, Ban Gi-mun. The main slogan in this rally is "No Strategic Flexibility of the USFK" and "No Destruction of Korea".

SPARK holds a one-person demonstration near the Chong-wa-dae (Blue House) when Rumsfeld visits the Korean President, Roh Mu-hyon.


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