
[2006/2/14] SPARK sent 3 delegates to Guam


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SPARK sent 3 delegates to Guam


  SPARK sent 3 delegates to Guam to protest against the 6th ROK-US Security Policy Initiative (SPI) meeting from 13 to 15 February.
On 13 Feb., supported by activists from the Chamorro Nation (local peace organization), they held a demonstration in front of the Andersen Air Base, where it was assumed that US and South Korean defense officials were holding a meeting to discuss a plan to permanently station American forces in Korea.

Spark delegates chanted, "US troops out of Korea, out of Guam!", "Cancel the ROK-US military meeting!", "We can live without US military!", etc. and local activists chanted, "No More Weapons!", "No to Weapons of Mass Destruction!" and "No to Nuclear Warships!".

It was known that the ROK-US authorities would agree on the draft of the future vision of the ROK-US alliance at this meeting.

SPARK asserted in its statement, announced simultaneously in Seoul and on Guam on 13 Feb., "We are firmly opposed to this agreement on the future vision of the alliance because it will justify the permanent stationing of US forces in Korea and be a serious obstacle to the independence, peace, and reunification of Korea. Moreover, the US intends to make the Korean peninsula a staging base from which it can exercise military hegemony over the Asia-Pacific region."

Supported by the Chamorro Nation, SPARK had interviews with local media, "Marianas Variety" (newspaper) and KUAM TV.

Meanwhile, the airport police and FBI investigators held the delegates at the airport for five hours just because they had brought peace statements and banners, and interrogated them about their mission on Guam.

On 14 Feb., SPARK continued the demonstration in front of the US Naval Base Guam because of the local reporters' assumption that the talks were held there. The ROK and US authorities didn't tell their meeting site and it showed their way of keeping secrets from the people.

The Chamorro Nation supported this rally as well.

At 3:30 pm, through an international telephone call, the delegates connected with the activists in Seoul, who were holding a anti-US joint rally near the US embassy in order to demand that the 6th SPI meeting be cancelled, and an activist from the Chamorro Nation sent a solidarity message to Seoul. 

The protesters continued the demonstration until midnight. They held a candle light vigil along with the Chamorro Nation. Some local activists supported the Korean delegates by bringing hamburgers, ice water and candles to the demonstration site.

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