
[2006/3/21] Cancel the ROK-US preemptive attack exercises


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Cancel the ROK-US preemptive attack exercises against N. Korea that reverse the establishment of the peace regime on the Korean peninsula!

 At 2:00 pm on March 21 SPARK held a press conference at the Yongsan Garrison in Seoul (the US forces headquarters) in order to demand that the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (RSOI) & Foal Eagle (FE) be cancelled.

The RSOI and FE exercises aim to train soldiers in the process of projecting and deploying US armed forces and equipment on Okinawa, Guam, Hawaii, and the US mainland for a possible emergency on the Korean peninsula. It is known that about 20,000 US service members, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, some Stryker brigades, and combined ROK land, sea, and air forces will participate in the exercises.

About 40 peace activists took part in the conference. SPARK asserted in their statement that "The main reason why we are opposed to RSOI and FE is that these exercises force South-North confrontation and increase the danger of war, so that it sets back the creation of a peace regime on the Korean peninsula. We also urge the cancellation of the exercises because RSOI and FE even violate the unequal MDT."

 At 1:00 pm on March 21, Japanese peace activists were holding a parallel demonstration in Iwakuni in Japan in order to protest against the strengthening of the US base in their community and denounce the military exercises. They invited a SPARK staff member to speak about Korean situation.

In addition, Nasion Chamoru (Guam's anti-bases activists)  staged its own demonstration at the ITC intersection (one of the busiest streets on Guam) at 4:30 pm on March 21 to protest the relocation of 8,000 Marines from Japan to Guam as well as the invasion of Iraq. During its demonstration, Nasion Chamoru presented their message of solidarity as well as their reasons for protesting the military exercises.

During the conference, a SPARK member read Guam's  and Iwakuni's message of solidarity, hoisting Nasion Chamoru's flag and SPARK's flag together, so the participants were very delighted.

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