
[2006/9/15] On 13 September, at 7:00 am, the Korean government started to demolish empty houses in the villages of Daechuri and Doduri near Pyeongtaek


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On 13 September, at 7:00 am, the Korean government started to demolish empty houses in the villages of Daechuri and Doduri near Pyeongtaek, where the US plans to expand its military base.
16,000 Korean police and more than 400 personnel hired by private security contractors carried on demolition work for 8 hours.
Villagers and members of civic organizations opposed to the destruction climbed up on the roofs of empty houses and used their bodies to resist, but there were too many police and private security agents and in the end, seven resisters were arrested by the police.
On the evening of the 12th, when they hear the news that the demolition would be carried out, more than 300 members of civic organizations who oppose the house demolitions planned to enter the villages.
However, the police blockaded the entrance to the villages and prevented the activists from entering the villages to stop the demolition. 
The activists stayed up all night to demonstrate their opposition to the police and the Korean government who planned to barricade the entrance to the villages and demolish houses.
On the morning of the 13th, when they proceeded with the demolition, the police violently arrested the people who stayed up all night to hold the protest demonstration.
About five people were injured and received medical treatment and more than 20 were arrested.
For more than two years, Daechuri and Doduri residents and members of the pan-Korean anti-base expansion committee have opposed and resisted the enlargement of the US base at Pyeongtaek, but the Korean government, instead of listening to what they say, is using government power to force the base expansion.
On the 14th, President No Mu-hyeon and President Bush held a summit conference.
The residents and the pan-Korean anti-base expansion committee members think that No Mu-hyeon destroyed the houses as a present to President Bush and in order to stop the spread of public opinion which demands a re-negotiation of the US base agreements.
Daechuri and Doduri are just like a battlefield.
Most of the residents are old people, in their 60s, 70s, or 80s.
No one has the right to expel these people, who have spent their whole lives here working on their farms.
Not even the power of the state.
Not even the US, that is called the most powerful country in the world.
Peace-loving Koreans will continue to go to Daechuri and Doduri.
It’s a matter of resistance.
On 24 September, we will hold a great demonstration in Seoul in opposition to the Pyeontaek base expansion.
We hope that many people will participate in it.

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