
[2008/3/19] " Stop war exercises Key Resolve / Foal Eagle."


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A group of South Korean peace activists, including SPARK members, hold a rally in front of the TANGO war command center, south of Seoul, on March 2, 2008, to oppose the South Korean-U.S. combined war exercises Key Resolve / Foal Eagle.

These military exercises involve 6,000 US troops from Guam, Okinawa, Hawaii, etc, 12,000 USFK soldiers, the "USS Nimitz" aircraft carrier, the "SSBN Ohio" submarine, and a Stryker brigade.

The U.S. Pacific Command conducts these exercises to rehearse the  implementation of Operational Plan 5027 (OPLAN 5027). The Plan's goal is to occupy North Korea, change the North Korean regime, and destroy the North Korean Peoples Army.

Therefore we think these aggressive, first-strike rehearsal exercises work against peaceful efforts to reduce tention on the Korean peninsula, such as the 6-Party Talks and the current visit of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra to Pyongyang, North Korea.

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