
[2011.7.27] Start the negotiations for denuclearization and peace treaty for the Korean peninsula!


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Start the negotiations for denuclearization and peace treaty for the Korean peninsula! 

We welcome the resumption of talks between South and North Korea, and between U.S. and North Korea.

Following the recent inter-Korean dialogue at ARF (Asean Regional Forum), Kim, Gye Gwan, North Korea’s First Secretary of Foreign Affairs, will be visiting New York. 
We wholeheartedly welcome the movement toward dialogue concerning denuclearization and the negotiation of peace treaty for the Korean Peninsula. Insisting on handling the issue of North Korea’s UEP (Uranium Enrichment Program) before six-party talks, as demanded by South Korea, the U.S. and Japan, will only make the resumption of the six-party talks more difficult. 

The Foreign Ministers of South Korea, the U.S. and Japan asserted through the joint announcement that the resolution of the UEP problem must precede the resumption of the six-party talks. North Korea responded by arguing that UEP activity for peaceful purposes is their legitimate right as a sovereign nation. China and Russia also want to deal with this issue at the six-party talks.
 In this situation, the insistence on dealing with the UEP issue before the six-party talks will only create a new impasse on resumption of the six-party talks. Realization of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula depends on the U.S. renouncing its ambition to dominate the Korea Peninsula. Signing a peace treaty for the Korean Peninsula is the first step to take. 

The U.S. is suspicious about the possibility of persuading North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapon. However, if the U.S. surrenders its hegemonic power, withdraws U.S. military forces from South Korea and renouncing the South Korea-U.S. alliance, North Korea will also give up her ambition for nuclear arms.

 We must make a peace treaty comprising denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, withdrawal of U.S. forces, and the abolition of the South Korea-U.S. alliance. The Lee Myung-bak administration must stop the confrontational policy against North Korea and must proceed with the inter-Korean summit. The Lee Myung-bak administration must rescind the May 24 policy toward North Korea and replace Kim Tae-hyo, the secretary of the Blue House foreign strategy; Hyun In-taek, the Minister of Unification; and Chun Young-woo, chief secretary of Foreign Affairs and National Security, who led the hostile inter-Korean policy, and must begin the inter-Korean talks. 

Let us make the creation of this peace treaty the key agenda for 2012 general and presidential election. The realization of the peace treaty in the Korean Peninsula is the shortcut to independence, peace, unification and people's welfare. 

Let's make this the main political issue in the 2012 general and presidential elections.

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