
[2011.7.27] Keep peace at Gangjeong and Jeju. Stop constructing the naval base.


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Keep peace at Gangjeong and Jeju. Stop constructing the naval base.

Stop immediately the attempt to block the farm roads which isolate the Gurumbee coast.

The Lee Myung-bak administration is trying to block the farm roads leading to the Gurumbee coast area while pushing ahead the construction of the Jeju naval base. The town of Gangjeong is literally under martial law with tight inspections by the police. Everyone is worried about the replay of April 3 incident. Residents have put up a strong resistance risking their lives, and civil society and 5 opposition parties unanimously oppose the crackdown by the government. The government must stop the blocking of prayers on the farm roads, which could lead to violent conflicts, and mush immediately withdraw the police forces that were sent there.

Stop the Jeju naval base construction project which destroys peace, the environment and livelihood of the residents, and reexamine it from the beginning.

The great oceanic naval project, the major reason for the construction of Jeju naval base, has already been cancelled. Even the government admits that this Jeju naval base, once constructed, will be used by U.S. forces. The newly appointed U.S. Armed Forces Commander in Korea has openly announced that U.S. will engage in Northeast Asian conflicts. In situations like this, if the Jeju naval base is constructed, it is evident that Jeju will be the center of Northeast Asian conflicts.

Even selection of locations and the process of construction are marked by illegitimacy, deception, illicit conciliation, and violence. In addition, this naval base will not only bring about total annihilation of the middle coastline, which is the integral natural preservation area, but it will also eventually damage the whole internationally certified natural environment of Jeju.

The government must reexamine the Jeju naval base construction project from the starting point. Woo Gun-min, the governor of Jeju, must use his authority to cancel the removal of Joongdeok from the absolutely necessary environmental preservation area. The National Assembly must postpone the construction of the naval base until the next year's general election as proposed by Kim Jin-pyo, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, and must collect various opinions about it.

We appeal to the people evyerywhere, in Korea and around the world. Please stick with Gangjeong.

The residents of the town of Gangjeong, who are suffering from being required to pay indemnity money, amounting to hundreds of millions of won, as well as fines levied on them, are mourning with the middle coast of Joongdeok. Please send your warm greetings and words of consolation to the residents and visit the Joongdeok coast. If you visit Gangjeong town, you will feel in your bones the reason why the naval base should not be constructed there.

Grudges and hard feeling from April 3 remain with us. It is our historical responsibility to stop the construction of the Jeju naval base, as well as the most vital mission in our time to pass it down to the next generations. We earnestly and wholeheartedly ask all of you who agree on this to join hands with us and take a stand together with us.

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