
[2010/11/30] Korean Crisis : Pax Christi International and the Belgian Member organisations ask European presidency to facilitate restart of six party negotiations


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Korean Crisis: Pax Christi International and the Belgian Member organisations ask European presidency to facilitate restart of six party negotiations.


Recently increasing tensions between the states of North and South Korea escalated with four casualties due to shelling on the South Korean island Yeonpyeong.


Further military confrontations between both states could have serious repercussions on interregional and global stability. Pax Christi International, Pax Christi Wallonie-Bruxelles and Pax Christi Flanders therefore called upon both states to renounce the aggressive statements made in recent days and introduce dialogue. Also the EU presidency was asked to take up the role of facilitator to restart the six party negotiations between North and South Korea, Japan, China, the US and Russia. Read the letter in 2010-0763-en-ap-SD.

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