
Message in Solidarity for the Peace Rally and Vigil in Seoul on July 25, 2020


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Message in Solidarity for the Peace Rally and Vigil in Seoul on July 25, 2020

in Observance of the Korean War Armistice Day


July 20, 2020


Dear Friends,


As you gather across from the U.S. Embassy in Seoul for a peace rally and vigil on July 25, 2020, Veterans for Peace’s Korean Peace Campaign joins you in solidarity in observance of the Korean War Armistice Day.


This year marks an important milestone in the post-WW II history of Korea since we are also observing the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War and the 75th anniversary of the U.S. military occupation of South Korea in September 1945.


We deplore the misguided U.S. policy toward Korea in the past. This failed U.S. policy is more obvious than ever as we examine the current situation in Korea. Now, after seven decades later, Korean people are still denied of their basic human rights to self-determination, peace, development, and freedom because the U.S. still maintains the tragic division of Korea by keeping some 30,000 of its troops in South Korea today and also holding on its wartime operational control over the 600,000 strong ROK (South Korea) troops. 


We are very concerned that any future armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula may escalate into a horrific nuclear war between the U.S. and the DPRK (North Korea), which may inflict heavy damage in South Korea too.


As American veterans working for peace in Korea, we urge the U.S. government to stop all its interference in the internal affairs of the Korean people so that you can determine your own future.   


We appeal for an early resumption of talks and a full implementation of the Joint Declarations for peace from the two inter-Korean Summits in 2018 as well as the Joint Statement of the first U.S.-DPRK Summit in June 2018, which called for “new U.S.-DPRK relations.” 


We also call for an immediate commencement of negotiation for a peace treaty or agreement to replace the outdated 1953 Korean War Armistice Agreement, in order to establish a permanent peace regime and to promote mutual disarmament on the Korean Peninsula.


End the Korean War Now!

Wage Peace, Not War!



Col. Ann Wright (Ret.)


Veterans For Peace-Korea Peace Campaign (U.S.)



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