
번호 제목 등록일 조회수
56 [2007/2/23] Revamped StratCom even more dangerous (by TIM RINNE ) 2012-09-20 1241
55 [2006/10/20]Open Letter to Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense 2012-09-20 1053
54 [2006/10/18] Letter to the United Nations Secretary-General concerning the UN Security Council resolution to impose sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2012-09-20 1029
53 [2006/10/9] WWP statement on crisis in Korea Stop war threats against North Korea 2012-09-20 1076
52 [2006/9/24] Speech of John Kim, Head of VFP Delegation to South Korea 2012-09-20 1067
51 [2006/9/27] The 4th Great Peace March to “oppose the Pyeongtaek US base expansion” 2012-09-20 1201
50 [2006/9/25] SPARK delegation to visit Washington, New York 2012-09-20 1033
49 [2006/9/15] On 13 September, at 7:00 am, the Korean government started to demolish empty houses in the villages of Daechuri and Doduri near Pyeongtaek 2012-09-20 1144
48 [2006/9/28] End Confrontational Policies Against North Korea. Conclude Peace Treaty in Korean Peninsula. 2012-09-20 1216
47 [2006/9/27] Open Letter to the US House of Representatives International Relations Committee's Hearings on the Korea-United States Alliance 2012-09-20 1160
46 [2006/9/27] Our Position concerning the 10th Security Policy Initiative (SPI) Meeting 2012-09-20 1056
45 [2006/9/1] Facing the forcible demolition of homes, the second anniversary of the candlelight vigils was commemorated. 2012-09-20 1021
44 [2006/8/29] Stop the weapons buildup! Return military operations control authority! 2012-09-20 1059
43 [2006/8/25] From 25 to 31 July, SPARK members toured US military sites throughout South Korea and carried out protest actions. 2012-09-20 1143
42 [2006/6/20] STATEMENT AGAINST RIMPAC 2006 - AWC Japan 2012-09-20 1121


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