
[2013. 8. 2] 美 상원도 '한반도 평화·통일 결의안' 만장일치 통과(결의문 원본 포함)


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美 상원도 '한반도 평화·통일 결의안' 만장일치 통과

(워싱턴=연합뉴스) 강의영 특파원 = 미국 상원은 1일(현지시간) 저녁 늦게 전체회의를 열어 한반도 평화와 통일을 촉구하는 결의안을 만장일치로 통과시켰다.

전날 하원에서 역시 만장일치로 가결된 결의안과 같은 내용으로, 미국 의회가 한국전쟁 정전 협정 체결 60주년(7월 27일)을 맞아 이례적으로 합동 결의안을 낸 것이다.

워싱턴DC 외교소식통에 따르면 상원은 이날 한국전 참전 용사 출신인 찰스 랭글(민주·뉴욕), 존 코니어스(민주ㆍ미시간), 샘 존슨(공화ㆍ텍사스), 하워드 코블(공화ㆍ노스캐롤라이나) 하원의원이 전쟁 발발 63년째인 지난 6월 25일 발의한 결의안(H.CON.RES.41)을 원안대로 구두 표결에 부쳐 반대 없이 통과시켰다.

팀 케인(민주·버지니아) 상원의원도 정전협정 60주년 이틀 전인 지난달 25일 똑같은 내용의 결의안(S.CON.RES.20)을 발의했으나 상원은 하원과 공동보조를 취한다는 입장을 반영해 하원 결의안을 채택했다.

결의안은 한국전쟁의 역사적 중요성 인식 및 참전 군인들에 대한 감사와 함께 미국이 동맹국으로서 한반도 평화와 번영에 기여해야 한다는 내용을 담고 있다.

북한에 대해서는 평화와 통일로 이끌 대화를 재개하기 위해 국제법을 지키고 핵확산을 중단하라고 촉구했다.



H.CON.RES.41 -- Whereas the Republic of Korea (hereinafter in this resolution referred to as `South Korea') and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (hereinafter in this resolution referred to as... (Introduced in House - IH)

1st Session
H. CON. RES. 41
Encouraging peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula.

June 25, 2013

Mr. RANGEL submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a
period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of
such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


Encouraging peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula.
Whereas the Republic of Korea (hereinafter in this resolution referred to as `South Korea') and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (hereinafter in this resolution referred to as `North Korea') have never formally ended hostilities and have been technically in a state of war since the Armistice Agreement was signed on July 27, 1953;
Whereas the United States, as representing the United Nations Forces Command which was a signatory to the Armistice Agreement, and with 28,500 of its troops currently stationed in South Korea, has a stake in the progress towards peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula;
Whereas progress towards peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula would mean greater security and prosperity for the region and the world;
Whereas at the end of World War II, Korea officially gained independence from Japanese rule, as agreed to at the Cairo Conference on November 22, 1943, through November 26, 1943;
Whereas on August 10, 1945, the Korean Peninsula was temporarily divided along the 38th parallel into two military occupation zones commanded by the United States and the Soviet Union;
Whereas on June 25, 1950, communist North Korea invaded the South, thereby initiating the Korean War and diminishing prospects for a peaceful unification of Korea;
Whereas during the Korean War, approximately 1,789,000 members of the United States Armed Forces served in-theater along with the South Korean forces and 20 other members of the United Nations to secure peace on the Korean Peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region;
Whereas since the end of the Korean War era, the United States Armed Forces have remained in South Korea to promote regional peace;
Whereas North Korea's provocations in the recent years have escalated tension and instability in the Asia-Pacific region;
Whereas one of the largest obstacles to peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula is the presence of nuclear weapons in North Korea;
Whereas North Korea's refusal to denuclearize disrupts peace and security on the Korean Peninsula;
Whereas beginning in 2003, the United States along with the two Koreas, Japan, People's Republic of China, and the Russian Federation, have engaged in six rounds of Six-Party Talks, aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to the security concerns resulting from North Korea's nuclear development;
Whereas North Korea has recently signaled openness to resume the Six-Party Talks, which halted in 2009 due to North Korea's increasing inflammatory rhetoric and belligerent acts, including a satellite launch, sinking of South Korean naval ship, and shelling of Yeonpyeong Island;
Whereas the three-mile wide buffer zone between the two Koreas, known as the Demilitarized Zone or DMZ, is the most heavily armed border in the world;
Whereas South Korea and North Korea remain the only divided nation in the world;
Whereas the Korean War separated more than 10,000,000 Korean family members, including 100,000 Korean Americans who after 60 years of separation are still waiting to see their families in North Korea;
Whereas reunification remains a long-term goal for the Governments of both North and South Korea;
Whereas South Korea and North Korea are both full members of the United Nations, whose stated purpose includes maintaining international peace and security, and to that end `take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace';
Whereas the United States and South Korea have continuously stood shoulder-to-shoulder to promote and defend international peace and security, economic prosperity, human rights, and the rule of law both on the Korean Peninsula and beyond; and
Whereas July 27, 2013, marks the 60th anniversary of the Armistice Agreement of the Korean War: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress--
(1) recognizes the historical importance of the Korean War, which began on June 25, 1950;
(2) honors the noble service and sacrifice of the United States Armed Forces and the armed forces of allied countries that served in Korea since 1950 to the present;
(3) reaffirms the commitment of the United States to its alliance with South Korea for the betterment of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula; and
(4) calls on North Korea to abide by international law and cease its nuclear proliferation in order to resume talks that could eventually lead to peace and reunification.

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