[2004/05/19] 91년 소파합동위 문서(영문)
view : 1303
2004-5-19 joint comm memorandum.rtf |
지난 3월 17일, 평통사는 용산기지 이전 협상의 근거가 되는, 90년부터 93년까지 이루어진 용산기지 이전 합의각서와 양해각서, 한미 SOFA 합동위원회 결의 등 관련 자료에 대한 정보공개를 요청했습니다. 국방부는 이들 문서들에 대한 국회비준도 받지 않은 채 이전 협상의 근거로 삼고 있다고 강변해왔습니다. 평통사는 1990년 6월 25일 서명한 용산기지 이전 합의각서(MOA), 1990년 6월 25일 서명한 용산기지 이전 양해각서(MOU), 1991년 5월 20일 서명한 한미 SOFA 합동위원회 결의, 1991년 6월 7일 제169차 한미 SOFA 합동위원회 회의록, 1993년 1월 14일의 용산기지 이전 기술 개발 양해각서와 FASC 태스크 등 5개 문서에 대한 정보공개를 국방부에 요청했습니다. 이에 국방부는 지난 5월 14일 1991년 5월 20일 서명한 한미 SOFA 합동위원회 결의(공개1)와 1991년 6월 7일 제169차 한미 SOFA 합동위원회 회의록(공개2)을 보내왔습니다. 이들 자료는 영문으로 되어 있으며, 첨부파일로도 올려놓았습니다. 영문으로 된 본 자료를 번역해 주실 분은 연락을 주시기 바랍니다. 공개 1> Joint Committee minutes are considered to be official documents pertaining to both the governments of Korea and the United States and will not be released without mutual agreement. UNDER THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE UNITED STATES STATUS OF FORCES AGREEMENT 15 May 1991 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairmen, Joint Committee
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Joint Committee Recognition of Agreement
1. SOFA provides in Article II, paragraph 2, that the Governments of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America may agree that facilities and areas or portions thereof shall be returned to the Republic of Korea or that additional facilities and areas may be provided.
2. SOFA provides in Article V, paragraph 2, that the Republic of Korea will furnish for the duration of the SOFA without cost to the United States all facilities and areas and rights of way as provided in Article II, III and IV.
3. Pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 above, it is requested that the agreement entitled “Memorandum of Agreement Between The United States Forces in Korea And The Republic of Korea, Ministry of National Defense Concerning Agreements-In-Principle For Relocation of United States Forces From The Seoul Metropolitan Area” signed by the Commander of United States Forces Korea, and the Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense on 25 June 1990 be hereby recognized by the Joint Committee as a legal and binding agreement to provide facilities and areas under the United States-Republic of Korea Status of Forces Agreement, Articles II and V. This agreement will be recorded in the minutes of the 169th Joint Committee Meeting in compliance with applicable terms of Article IX of subject MOA. In addition, the basic MOA and its MOU will be effective in accordance with the provisions of the SOFA.
COL ROBERT D. BROWN, III Chairman, US Component Facilities and Areas Subcommittee MG LEE HAE JONG Chairman, ROK Component Facilities and Areas Subcommittee Approved by exigent action on 20 May 1991.
RONALD R. FOGLEMAN Lieutenant General United States Air Force United States Representative BAN KI MOON Republic of Korea Representative 공개 2> 13. The ROK Representative then proposed the recording of an exigent Joint Committee action that approved a Facilities and Areas Subcommittee recommendation to recognize, within the authority of the Joint Committee Representatives, the “Memorandum of Agreement between the United States Forces in Korea and the Republic of Korea, Ministry of National Defense Concerning Agreements-In-Principle for Relocation of United States Forces from the Seoul Metropolitan Area”, signed by the Commander of United States Forces Korea and the Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense on 25 June 1990, as a legal and binding agreement (encl 19). The US Representative concurred with the ROK Representative proposal. |