[2007/05/29] [아미티지보고서]"The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right through 2020"
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Richard L. Armitage & Joseph S. Nye
"The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right through 2020"
February 16, 2007
At a time of global uncertainty and transition, enduring U.S. interests demand a clear-eyed look over the horizon to grasp the challenges ahead and the potential opportunities to best shape the emerging world order. With half the world's population, one-third of the global economy, and growing economic, financial, technological, and political weight in the international system, Asia is key to a stable, prosperous world order that best advances American interests. The goal of this report is to outline a vision that offers the best prospect for achieving "a balance of power that favors freedom."This report outlines the findings of a bipartisan panel of Asia specialists co-chaired by Richard L. Armitage and Joseph Nye. The report highlights major trends in Asia and provides the panel's comprehensive analysis with security and economic policy recommendations.